Predator concrete jungle ps2 for sale
Predator concrete jungle ps2 for sale

predator concrete jungle ps2 for sale

From the start point go left, notice the elevated railway.

predator concrete jungle ps2 for sale

Move along the railway and notice the two bridges.

predator concrete jungle ps2 for sale

Cut scene will show the Les Serviteurs at their hideout.On the bottom bridge is a wristblades pickup. Switch to Tech Scan and be sure to not have the Predator’s wristblades equipped.Game play begins with Predator on a building. When one is found, go up to the target and repeatedly press the light melee button until Predator grabs the Copycat.They are invisible (they use the Predator’s cloaking technology) and show up on the Tech Scan radar as a hollow circles. Once the Copycat is grabbed take the AI to any of the newly marked waypoints.(The AI can be grabbed when the hand icon is above the AI’s head). Once the Copycat is brought to any of the waypoints, a cut scene will appear showing the Predator flay the body.īonus: Near the Servituer base is the Psychopath Health upgrade. A new mission will appear to kill all the riot police in the level.Have the Predator locate and flay two more Copycat killers.Go to the harbor behind the parking garage(The third waypoint for the flaying) to find & kill him. Player can now switch out of Tech Scan to normal vision.


  • Predator concrete jungle ps2 for sale